Half Track Suspension Set
Hand Cannon Pistol X 5
Hand Wheels - Sprue of 4 X 2
Hatch - Large Rectangular Bulkhead Door Left Handed Handle
Hatch - Large Rectangular Bulkhead Door Right Handed Handle
Hatch - Large Round Hatch
Hatch - Very Small Round Gun Port X6
Hatch - Very Small Round Gun Port Assembly X6
Hatches - Large Rectangular Bulkhead Door X 2 Left & Right Handed Handle
Hatches - Small Rectangular Hatches - Sprue of 2
Hatches - Small Round Hatches - Sprue of 2
Heavy Calibre Machine Gun Steampunk Gun Only X 1
Heavy Mauser Pistol X 5 Sprue Human Scale
Heavy Pistol X 5 Sprue Human Scale
Hollow Crushable Barrels and Lids - Sprue of 5
Human Bow Pistol X 5
Human Buggy Driver
Human Hands - 10 Pairs
Human Revolving Barrel Pistol X 5
Human Skull Helmets / Heads x5 Post Human Scale