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The Tank Bike (A7 Inspired)-Vehicles-Photo3-Zinge Industries

The Tank Bike (A7 Inspired)


This is Zinge Industries first full model of which we are rather proud :)

It was a bit of a trial by fire but we learnt a lot and look forward to creating many more.

This Set consists of 3 Sprues:

1 Body - 75mm x 30mm x 30mm

1 Turret and Gun Sprue (5 Guns, 1 Turret with Hatch, & 4 Visors)

1 Single Track or Wheels (Choose above)

Design Notes: The mould lines on the Main body run under the runners this should speed clean up. The muzzles of the guns don't have mould lines (We hate mould lines and will do our best to reduce them at any opportunity). The underside of the body has 4 recesses, which will accept a 3mm axel for a 19mm wheel (either Military or Off Road).

The three samples shown above have been painted Pete Austin of Egghead Miniatures, Liam Ainscough & Worthy Painting.

Made of polyurethane resin.

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