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AutoKill - Heavy Weapons Sprue - 20mm Scale-Vehicle Accessories-Photo1-Zinge Industries

AutoKill - Heavy Weapons Sprue - 20mm Scale


Block is 11cm x 11mm to give and idea of size

This 20mm scale (1:72 to 1:64) super high quality resin sprue includes:

1x Turret Surround

1x Turret Base Plate

1x Turret Ammo Feed 

1x Turret Weapon Dock

1x Circular Turret Dock

2x Micro Guns

1x Flame Thrower

1x Rocket Pod

1x Minigun

1x High Calibre Cannon

1x Energy Weapon

1x Sonic Weapon

Designed by Gareth Watson

Made from Polyurethane Resin

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